Made To Order Policy

Cherry Craft Co. is a Made To Order shop, but what does that mean? Read on to learn more about our policies and what to expect when you order from us!

What is a Made To Order shop?

Because we are a small handmade shop, we don't produce our items in bulk to be sold directly at purchase. Instead, each item is made at the time of purchase! That means when you buy an item, we start making it specifically for you! This not only makes it a more personal experience but also ensures supplies don't go to waste. It also means that wait times to receive your item may be longer due to the item still needing to be produced.

How Long Will It Take For Me To Receive My Item?

We aim for you to receive your item as quickly as possible, but since it is a shop run by one person creating all of the items, we request your patience with production and shipping. When we do a collection drop, we do try to pre-produce some of the products so items can get out to you quicker, but it can take anywhere from two weeks - 1 month for you to receive the item depending on demand.

For further questions about our Made To Order items and estimated shipping time, please reach out to!